
Graphics Design

Graphic Design is the communication of information using visual images (pictures) and type (words) that are generated by a computer.

Graphics Design KS3

At KS3, pupils will learn and understand how the Apple Mac Computer System operates and the Adobe Creative Suite software programs, Illustrator and Photoshop, which are widely used in Graphic Design. Over the 2 years leading up to their options, pupils will learn the different areas of Graphic Design, and techniques such as typography, printing, and image editing to produce high-quality work. The subject will cover advertising, branding, packaging, magazine, website, and retail design.

Graphics Design KS4

At KS4, if pupils decide to choose Graphic Design as one of their options, they will have a chance to study and achieve a BTEC qualification.

BTEC Level 1/2 in Art and Design Practice

This qualification is equivalent to a GCSE and is studied over 2 years. There are 3 components to complete to achieve this qualification. 

Pupils will work on Components 1 and 2, researching and evidencing their findings using the Apple Mac System to create info sheets. In each Component, a final piece of work has to be produced with backed ideas, research, and evidence on the "theme" to show the process from idea to finished concept. Component 3 is their final project which will be based on a specified theme provided by BTEC.

BTEC pupils will also attend Art and Design exhibitions, workshops, and design studios as part of their research.

Graphic Design at Muntham House School provides pupils with transferable knowledge and skills that prepare them for further education. KS3 - KS4 pupils learn how to generate and communicate information using visual images and type within Adobe Creative Cloud applications Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Pupils learn key skills such as idea generation, typography and typesetting, design and photo-editing,  and produce high-quality work ready for print. This subject covers design work within the following:  Illustrations, posters, magazines, brochures, logos, webpages, uniforms and accessories, product and packaging, and photography. There are also opportunities for pupils to learn how to design a garment collection for fashion or textiles, 2D character design, indoor and outdoor ads, and designs for interior exhibition space.


Graphic Design at Muntham House School instils an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts, it stimulates imagination and creativity; involving pupils in a range of visual and tactile experiences, which enable them to communicate what they see, think, and feel using the elements of colour, layout, imagery, and pattern. Graphic Design promotes careful observation and an appreciation of the world around us. Pupils explore ideas and meanings by studying the work of artists and designers. Through learning about the roles and functions of design, they can explore the impact it has had on contemporary life and on different periods and cultures.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Graphic Design, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. Graphic Design is taught as part of a termly topic, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the BTEC Curriculum. Graphic Design is given the same importance as the core subjects, as we feel it encourages self-expression and creativity and builds confidence as well as a sense of individual identity and ‘real-life’ experiences.


Within Graphic Design, we strive to create a supportive and collaborative ethos for learning by providing investigative and skills-based learning opportunities to help pupils gain a coherent knowledge of understanding of each unit of work covered throughout the school.

Curriculum Map - Graphics                        Graphics Policy

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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