


‘Muntham House School will give you a fresh start, and new beginning. A chance to find the things you love to do and enjoy learning. The adults will care for you, listen to you, challenge you and never give up on you’.


The residential experience at Muntham is unique and special. The staff strive to foster transparent and nurturing relationships with the pupils, making them emotionally available to work alongside the pupils in or care.

We work holistically with the child and treat everyone as an individual. The pupil’s voice is at the centre of all we do and we strive to ensure that their wishes, feelings, aspirations and dreams are heard and acted on.

The routines and boundaries of the school are carefully designed to make the pupils feel safe and secure, so a mutual level of trust can develop to enable reengagement in learning academically, emotionally and socially. Gentle challenges are offered to build resilience and confidence. 

Each pupil has either a single or a double room so they can have their own privacy. The intention is to provide our boarding pupils with a homely environment where they can feel safe and secure, within the intimacy of a homely environment. We have a high staff ratio which enables staff to spend quality one-to-one time with individuals when they most need it. Our main emphasis is focusing on the development of building positive relationships between staff and pupils. Our aim is to provide a safe and secure environment in order to ensure and promote a sense of self-worth and value, which can impact positively on their learning and academic achievement.

Unconditional positive regard and close working relationships with parents and carers is vital to ensure the pupils are held in mind and supported. Noticing the little things and celebrating success.

Outstanding relationships = Outstanding learning = Outstanding outcomes


There are always activities for our boarding pupils to engage in both on and off-site. The intention is to ensure that our pupils remain fit and active so that they are able to learn as well as possible during the school day. There are both formal and informal activities that our boarding pupils can join in beyond the school day. Pupils choose which activity they would like to do on a daily basis and at their floor meetings, these are some of the many activities; Swimming, Cinema, Skate Park, Local Gym, Bowling and Youth Club.

We are able to residential places for pupils from key stage 2 upwards.

If you require more information, please email:   

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DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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