
The school's Artists in Residence, Liz Tiranti, has now completed the first whole school Mosaic project.  As you can see from the pictures, a wonderful piece of artwork has been created by pupils from all years across the school. The tree design is based on the school emblem of an Oak tree and includes a thank you to the NHS for their wonderful work throughout the COVID pandemic. 

All of the pupils enjoyed taking part and contributing towards this project, which is now displayed on the outside of the school building.  This is another great whole school Arts Project, which contributes to our Arts Mark Gold application.  Well done to everyone involved in this project; the final result is remarkable.  



Muntham  House School proudly welcomes our Artist in Resident Liz Tiranti from Inspired Mosaic Studio. Liz will be working at the school as our Artist in Resident 2022.  She will be working with all pupils across the school in completing a whole school project capulating creativity, imagination and modern art. Liz will inspire and motivate the pupils to produce an amazing whole school mosaic art piece.  This project will count towards our ArtsMart Gold Award which we are now working towards.

The aim of this project is to provide pupils with the opportunity to work together on a whole school project and also to celebrate the outstanding work of the NHS throughout this COVID pandemic.

Inspired Mosaics Studio

Mystical Creatures

MHS Primary Graffiti Project


MHS Superhero Tree Project

MHS Secondary Graffiti Project


MHS Art Deco Stencil Project

MHS Griffin Project

MHS Mosaic Project

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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