

Ready2Learn (R2L) is Muntham House School's Pastoral Support Service. We provide support throughout our 24 hour curriculum. This ensures our pupils feel safe and secure and are able to access and manage education, social interactions and their emotions.

Some of the pupils at Muntham House School have had experiences of rejection from education in the form of exclusion. R2L strives to see through the behaviour exhibited with this in mind. In Partnership with their Tutors, Key Workers and Families we plan a journey of relational intervention which meets the pupils developmentally, using the six principles of Nurture along with Autism, Attachment and Trauma informed practice to stop history repeating itself. 

We ensure that the pupils voice is heard and acted upon, and teach the pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour and learn healthy alternatives. We teach the pupils to ‘put right’ what has gone wrong and be reflective, restorative and reparative.



Providing not just ‘pastoral care’ but an informed and planned environment to provide opportunities for the pupils to experience authentic unconditional regard’.


Safe       Caring       Happy

DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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