

The Secondary Curriculum

Within the whole-school curriculum, individual subject disciplines are clearly demarcated on the school timetable (Key Stage 3 -5) or taught as part of a thematic curriculum in the Primary Stage (Key Stage 1 – 2). Our School Curriculum is broad, balanced and challenging for pupils to ensure they engage and all achieve. 

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum intent framework is Collaborative planning and consensus about the knowledge and skills that learners need. Objectives, outcomes and standards are clear and define what needs to be achieved.

Our Secondary curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure every pupil can ‘Learn, Enjoy and Grow’. Our holistic approach to learning is bespoke to the needs of all pupils. Our curriculum is about appropriate subject-specific knowledge and using skills and understanding across the curriculum to become compassionate citizens. We want to develop individual and collaborative learning experiences, a positive growth mindset, a sense of responsibility and challenges that take them beyond the classroom expectations.

Curriculum Implementation

The connected curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and other experiences and opportunities that best meet the pupils' learning and developmental needs in our school. Our curriculum provides pupils with memorable experiences and diverse and rich opportunities from which pupils can learn and develop a range of transferable skills.

Those who are most able are challenged and supported through being offered tasks which provide opportunities for greater depth, and those who struggle are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, develop at their own pace or simply learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. Our highly inclusive classrooms are autistic-friendly. Our staff are experienced and trained in a variety of well-being strategies. Engaging in the outdoor environment is one unique strength of the school. The school has an established Forest school and offers Outdoor Education on a seasonal basis.

Teachers present the subject matter clearly and promote appropriate discussion about the subject matter being taught. They systematically check pupils' understanding, identify misconceptions, and provide clear, direct feedback. In so doing, they respond and adapt their teaching as necessary without unnecessarily elaborate or individualised approaches. At the heart of this is responsive teaching and purposeful questioning to expose what pupils have understood and to address misconceptions.


Curriculum Impact

This means that the school curriculum needs to develop pupils' character, including their resilience, confidence, and independence, and help them stay physically and mentally healthy.

Finally, curriculum impact is about pupil achievement as assessed by external tests and/or exam results. Pupil achievement will also be assessed using progression and destination data, recognising that good outcomes are not just measured in qualifications but in how successfully pupils are developed as well-rounded citizens.

A successful curriculum must consider the underlying purposes of education, cover essential content, and be flexible in an ever-changing world.

The development of English, Mathematics, Science, and Creative Media is central to our curriculum work and is balanced with the humanities, expressive arts, technology, and physical activities. A range of planned extracurricular activities and curriculum days will also enrich the children's experiences.

We strive to provide a curriculum that all pupils will find enjoyable, and that helps them understand the relevance of their lessons. This can only be achieved by using the experience, enthusiasm, and specialism of individual teachers who provide interesting, engaging, and differentiated lessons in a structured, well-ordered classroom environment.

The school promotes a safe, happy, and caring community so that pupils can enjoy their education and maximise their achievement. Pupils are assessed and monitored across the school on a regular basis to ensure that they are making progress in each curriculum area. 


DfE No. 938/7003  Charity No. 1105085 Registered Office: Barns Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ

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